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The Bajoran Militia
**Voting Results are located at the bottom of this page.**
May you Walk with the Prophets.
Survey # 7
Previous Voting Results
Issue # 1:
More dangerous for Bajor, Dukat or Damar?
Dukat: 16.
Damar: 4.
Best Quote to date:
-"Dukat! Because he's got this obsession with being loved by the Bajoran people, combined with his mental instability. With him it's personal which makes him more dangerous."
Issue # 2:
Jadzia or Ezri? Why?
Jadzia: 17.
Ezri: 10.
Best Quote to date:
"Jadzia - She was more worthy of Dax. Ezri must find herself before being thrown in the mix with other memories."
Issue #3:
Can Bajor survive without The Prophets?
Yes: 19.
No: 17.
Best quotes to date:
-"[This wasn't prophecized]...because Kai Winn messed up one of the prophecies a while ago, that could have thrown everything way off course."
-"No, the Prophets are as important to the Bajorans as air. What if God was taken away from us, would we survive. We'd like to say yes, but the answer is probably no."
-"Yes, Bajor can survive without the Prophets. It will take a long time and a lot of hard work on the part of the Bajorans, but we can do it. After all, we beat the Cardassians, didn't we?"
Issue #4:
Should Bajor join the Federation?
Yes: 38.
No: 26.
Best quotes to date:
-"Why join a bunch of technocrats and cowards? Where was the Federation when we fought the Cardassians?" Vehran Kjar and Toran Cedara
-"I think after the war is over, Bajor should stand alone and grow strong. Then, we should see if we are ready for a step into Federation hands."
Issue #5:
Should Kai Winn be "impeached?"
Yes: 38 votes.
No: 18 votes.
Death: 8 votes.
Best quotes to date:
-"It depends what "impeached" means... I hate Winn because she killed my beloved Bareil!"
-"Can't someone just discreetly take her out and then blame it on the Cardassians?"
-"I think a public flogging is in order!!Impeachment goes nowhere and death doesnt allow for further harassment."
Issue #6:
Who is the best guy for Kira?
Bareil: 21 votes.
Odo: 19 votes.
Shakaar: 13 votes.
Bashir: 8 votes.
Bareil-the-Thief: 4 votes.
Quark: 2 votes.
Dukat: 3 votes.
Other: 7 votes.
Best quotes to date:
-"Bashir, he needs to get over Jadzia and she needs to get away from Odo. I like Odo, but he and Kira don't make a good couple."
-"Quark. He's funny, an opportunist, and interested."
-"I think Bareil was a good contrast from a writer's standpoint, his inner peace balancing out her short temper. The Odo-Kira thing is probably the most forced relationship on the whole series I've seen (most of the lines sound like bad relationshipper fan fiction)."