The current Bajoran Provisional Government was established in 2369 immediately following the withdrawal of the Cardassian Occupational Forces. Although somewhat controversial, this body and its various agencies have been responsible for much of the reconstruction of Bajoran society.
Table of Contents
Agricultural Ministry - Responsible for administration of agricultural
issues on Bajor. Recent projects include soil reclamation from Cardassian ecological
The Alliance for Global Unity - Extremist organization almost successful in 2370 coup.
Bajoran Civil Police - Responsible for civil security within Bajoran territories.
Bajoran Militia - Responsible for Bajoran defense and other planetary operations.
Chamber of Ministers - Central decision making authority within Provisional Government. Contains most senior government officials and heads of various governmental ministries as well as the First Minister.
Executive Committee - Administrative body within Bajoran Militia.
Institute of Science- Major research and academic authority responsible for various science facilties such as the Bajoran Center for Science.
Vedek Assembly - Council of 112 Vedeks led by the Kai. Although a religious congress, it still maintains significant political influence.
Bajoran Central Archives- Responsible for management, storage and administration of all official Bajoran records.
Bajoran Center for Science - Research facility under the direction of the Institute of Science renowned for scientific accomplishment in a wide variety of fields, including exobiology.
Bajoran Library- Most significant collection of manuscripts on Bajor, some dating from before the Fall of the First Republic. Closed during the Occupation, the Library was reopened in 2371.
Bajoran Military Academy - Responsible for training officers within the Bajoran Militia.
Foreign Affairs Building - Primarily responsible for diplomatic relations with other states.
Jalanda Forum - Cultural institution destroyed during the Occupation. Artistic facilities included the prestigious Exhibition Hall. Reconstruction is tentatively planned.
Kran-Tobol Prison- Penal institution located on Bajor.
Lunar V Base- deserted outpost on one of Bajors moons used by Bajoran Resistance.
State Museum- Located in Ilvia. Houses important artifacts of national cultural significance.
Tozhat Resettlement Center- Orphanage in Tozhat province. Noted for significant number of abandoned Cardassian children.
2363: Federation-Cardassian Armistice - established initial cease fire between Cardassian Union and United Federation of Planets.
2367: Bajoran-Cardassian Armistice - signed prior to the withdrawal of the Cardassian Occupational Forces. Established key issues of Bajoran independence as well as Cardassian properties.
2369: Ilvian Proclamation - decree immediately following Cardassian withdrawal, exiling all Bajoran collaborators.
Application for Federation Membership - tendered immediately following Cardassian withdrawal. Bajor has met criteria for membership, including democratic global government, established civil rights and advanced technological capability, although an offer of membership was temporarily declined in 2373 due to cautionary warnings from the Emissary. The current Bajoran government enjoys a significant treaty of alliance with the Federation.
2370: Federation-Cardassian Treaty - finalized after three years of negotiation. Solidly established Cardassian-Federation border as well as the Demilitarized Zone buffer region.
2371: Bajoran-Cardassian Treaty - signed by Kai Winn and Legate Turrel. Somewhat controversially established lasting peace between Bajor and Cardassia, including the exchange of ambassadors, the return of the Orbs, and war reparations to Bajor.
2372: Search and Excise Laws - expressly prohibiting unwarranted search and seizure within Bajoran territory. A key initial issue during the Klingon incursion.
Chief of State and Executive Head of the Bajoran Government. Former resistance
cell leader.
Progressive Religious Leader and One-Time Candidate for Kai before death in
MINISTER JARO ESSA - Senior government official in exile after attempted coup in 2370.
Orthodox religious leader with extreme poltical influence
Former Kai, assumed to be dead. Actually circumstancually exiled to a desolate
planet in the Gamma Quadrent.
Emmissary to the Prophets Benjamin Sisko
Federation Captain of Deep Space Nine, the Prophets have chosen him as their
Formerly Bajoran militia officer and liason to Deep Space Nine.
Now Commanding officer of Deep Space Nine.
Total Area of Bajor: 6.52 Light Years x3. (All area out to .5 Light Years from stars at the center of the 4 Bajoran Systems. No claims of Interstellar space.)
Disputes: Disputed claim with Cardassia, numerous internal territorial conflicts.
Natural Resources: silicon, iron, carbon, nickle.
Planetary Use: Agricultural 12% Inhabited 11% Industrial 21% Unused/Unuseable 56%
Population: 17,525,000,000.
Birth Rate: 14 Births/1,000 Population (2372)
Death Rate: 12 Deaths/1,000 Population (2372)
Life Expectancy at Birth: 128 years male, 130 years female
Total Fertility Rate: 1.7 children born/woman (2372)
Nationality: noun-Bajoran(s); adjective-Bajoran, anicent: Bajora (singluar) Bajoran (plural)
Species Divisions: Bajoran 89% Non-Bajoran Humanoid 8% Other 2%
Religion: Bajoran 94% other 2% none 4%
Language: Predominately Bajoran, sizable minorities speaking Federation Standard English, smaller minorites speaking Kardassi, and Ferengi. Universal Translators virtually eliminate most language barriers.
Labor Force: Approximately 7,360,500,000
Long-Form Name: The Bajoran Provisional Government
Type: Republic
Administrative Divisions: 39 Provinces, 7 Colony worlds.
Independence: August 6, 2369 from Cardassian Union.
Legal System: Based on traditional Bajoran law and interstellar law; judicial review of legislative acts.
National Holiday: Hamara Celebration, April 7 (annual)
Executive Branch: First Minister
Legislative Branch: unicameral, Chamber of Ministers
Judicial Branch: Bajoran High Magistrate
Suffrage: Universal at age 17
Elections: First Minister- every 10 years; Chamber of Ministers- every 5 years
Overview: Mostly recovered from the disasterous Cardassian occupation, skillful use has been made of remaining equipment (ore processors, mining equipment, etc.) and Federation aid (medical equipment and industrial replicators). The economy of Bajor is improving rapidly and can now sustain its own needs. Bajor has been allowed membership in the Federation, but has differed indefinitely. However, the recent war between the Federation and the Dominion has put strain on the Bajoran economy, and the political situation.
Unemployment Rate: 6% (Most recent number since Federation/Dominion War.)
Budget: 19.1 Billion Credits (FY 2372)
Industrial Production: growth rate +3.1% (FY 2372)
Industries: agriculture, tourism, mining, industrial replication, communications.
Fiscal Year: April 5- April 4
Spaceports: 2 Major Spaceports, 8 Minor Spaceports, 34 Space Stations.
Merchant Marine: 10 ships, 21 unmanned cargo drones.
Telecommunications: 7,010,000,000 comm terminals; 4 subspace comm relays; 3 commerical holorecreation transmitters.
Branches: Bajoran Militia
Defense expendatures: 3.82 Billion Credits (FY 2372)
Military Rankings:
Rankings also include Lieutenet Colonel, Colonel, and General.
Bajoran Weapons